Searching for Woodstock Brown Hardie Board houses in Minnesota?
Woodstock Brown is a custom James Hardie Siding color. Earthy and grounded, this color is a comfortable deep neutral. A welcoming shade of brown that evokes the warmth of a bear hug. In some light, this popular James Hardie siding color can appear green. This color is definitely one you want to go see in person before choosing it for your home. Most professional contractors will have a list of houses that you can go and look at with the most popular James Hardie colors. When making a decision as important as this, you want to make sure you are as certain as you can be as to how your home will look.
The Woodstock Brown James Hardie siding color pairs well with creamy tones like Navajo Beige. Punch up the cozy factor with a pop of Countrylane Red as a cheerful accent. Woodstock Brown is the quintessential shade of warm, welcoming and natural brown. One way to make this color appear even more dramatic is change the texture. James Hardie Board and Batten is popular with this color. Board and Batten is achieved by installing a 4 x 10 panel of James Hardie siding first. Then you install three inch battens on top of the panels to create vertical siding with depth.
Want to transform your home like some of the projects you see on this page? Learn more about our Minneapolis James Hardie Siding experts, or contact us today to get a free at-home consultation.
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Craftsman’s Choice is Minnesota’s leading expert on exterior home siding. We are also one of the largest James Hardie siding installers in the nation. We wrote this book specifically for Minnesota homeowners like you, so that you can understand the pros and cons of today’s siding material options. After you read our siding guide, you will become an educated buyer and will be ensured to get the best possible outcome for your home and budget. Contact us today and get a free PDF download of our Amazon #1 bestselling book!
Craftsman’s Choice
5680 Quam Ave NE a,
St Michael, MN 55376
Phone: (763) 276-7465