Pearl Gray James Hardie Siding projects what you are searching for? We have completed many James Hardie remodeling projects in this popular color.
Pearl Gray is a custom James Hardie siding color. Pearl Gray is a lighter gray that can be used to highlight and contrast deeper tones in James Hardie’s color palette. When paired with some of the darker gray hues such as Aged Pewter or Gray Slate, it can help to make those subtle grays appear more stark than if they were paired with another similar gray. These can be used together and interchanged as body or trim colors.
Another popular choice to pair with a lighter gray tone such as this, are some of the blue tones. A color such as Evening Blue or Boothbay Blue work well. Typically we will use this James Hardie color as a trim color to these bluish body colors.
Although this popular James Hardie siding color is classic and neutral, it can be used in different patterns to create more of a dramatic appeal. we will often use Pearl Gray as an accent with James Hardie shingle shakes or board and batten to highlight a specific area of the home. The shakes are available in both straight edge and staggered edge. The board and batten is fabricated by installing a 4 x 10 sheet of James Hardie material and installing trim strips or battens over top to create a vertical siding appearance.
Want to transform your home like some of the projects you see on this page? Learn more about our Minneapolis James Hardie Siding experts, or contact us today to get a free at-home consultation.
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Craftsman’s Choice is Minnesota’s leading expert on exterior home siding. We are also one of the largest James Hardie siding installers in the nation. We wrote this book specifically for Minnesota homeowners like you, so that you can understand the pros and cons of today’s siding material options. After you read our siding guide, you will become an educated buyer and will be ensured to get the best possible outcome for your home and budget. Contact us today and get a free PDF download of our Amazon #1 bestselling book!
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St Michael, MN 55376
Phone: (763) 276-7465