Minnetonka MN James Hardie Country Lane Red Lap Siding

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James Hardie Countrylane Red

This renovation in Minnetonka, MN is a tale of color and material upgrade. The new materials included James Hardie lap siding and James Hardie trim. The experts at Craftsman’s Choice brought this color story to life.

These clients in Minnetonka, MN wanted to update their dated vertical cedar siding. They decided to upgrade to James Hardie lap siding in Countrylane Red. James Hardie was the logical upgrade because of its superior durability and range of style options. As a preferred James Hardie contractor, Craftsman’s Choice was the logical team to take the project to fruition.  

The design direction was to use traditional James Hardie lap siding but punch up the color. Countrylane Red is the quintessential shade of red that lends classic americana appeal. The splash of Countrylane Red perfectly complements the existing brickwork on the front of the home. James Hardie trim in Khaki Brown neatly defines the windows, corners and garage bays. Khaki Brown seamlessly ties together the trim with the existing brickwork. The result of this color and material upgrade tale was a happy ending for these Minnetonka homeowners.  

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