Edina James Hardie Arctic White Lap Siding with Board and Batten

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James Hardie Arctic White

James Hardie Arctic White lap siding was used on this renovation.  The Craftsman’s Choice team delivered a dramatic transformation of this home in Edina MN.  Although they kept the Arctic White lap siding, we added some Boulder Creek Gray Chiseled face cultured stone instead of white brick.  By wrapping the stone around the corner, we were able avoid an abrupt edge and allow the siding-stone intersection to be much smoother.  Our design services were able to show these homeowners what their house would look like with the stone instead of brick.  These digital design services are very helpful in making decisions of color and style.

By removing the brick and adding the Arctic White lap siding and cultured stone, this house was able to keep the character and charm of the neighborhood but create a splash of contrast.  The old masonite siding had reached the end of it’s life after 30 years.  Masonite siding is commonly found in Minnesota.  If it is maintained properly, it can last for quite a while.  The problem comes when the maintenance hasn’t been kept up it starts to absorb moisture and swell and decompose.  Our woodpecker friends love when masonite absorbs moisture and attracts bugs like carpener ants.  

Sometimes a siding renovation doesn’t require a bold new color.  If you like your current color and style, James Hardie siding can be used to keep your current look but reduce the maintenance and protect your home.  Due to its composition of cement, sand, and cellulose pulp, it stands up to the extreme temperature swings we have here in MN.  Most building materials aren’t able to perform effectively when the temperature swings from 30 below to 95 above.  

If you are ready to incorporate some of these designs or others, fill out our contact form and let’s get started!

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